
In order to use StackExchange.Redis.Extensions you need to use two packages:

  • The core package;

  • The serialier package;

The Core Package

The core package is the library includes all the method you need into your code, like AddAsync, ExistsAsync and so on. It carries StackExchange.Redis and usually you can access to it usi the interface IRedisCacheClient or IRedisDatabase.

The Serializer package

This package includes the the class that will be in charge to serialize the object you want to add into Redis. In order to prevent conflict between StackExchange.Redis serializer and what you are using into your application, the are different options:

  • Newtonsoft Json.Net

  • MsgPack

  • Protobuf-net

  • UTF8Json

  • Binary

  • System.Text.Json

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