XML Configuration

If you are running the library outside of .NET Core, probably you have a web.config o app.config file. In this case here the code you have to add.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
		<section name="redisCacheClient" type="StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.LegacyConfiguration.RedisCachingSectionHandler, StackExchange.Redis.Extensions.LegacyConfiguration" />

	<redisCacheClient allowAdmin="true" ssl="false" connectTimeout="3000" database="24">
		<serverEnumerationStrategy mode="Single" targetRole="PreferSlave" unreachableServerAction="IgnoreIfOtherAvailable" /> 
			<add host="" cachePort="6379" />


From now, in order to read the configuration is enough to run this:

var redisConfiguration = RedisCachingSectionHandler.GetConfig();

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