C# Configuration

If you want to embed your configuration directly into the c# the class more or less looks like this:

var redisConfiguration = new RedisConfiguration()
	AbortOnConnectFail = true,
	KeyPrefix = "_my_key_prefix_",
	Hosts = new RedisHost[]
		new RedisHost(){Host = "", Port = 6379},
		new RedisHost(){Host = "",  Port =6379},
		new RedisHost(){Host = "",  Port =6379}
	ServiceName = "my-sentinel", // In case you are using Sentinel
	AllowAdmin = true,
	ConnectTimeout = 3000,
	Database = 0,
	Ssl = true,
	Password = "my_super_secret_password",
	ServerEnumerationStrategy = new ServerEnumerationStrategy()
		Mode = ServerEnumerationStrategy.ModeOptions.All,
		TargetRole = ServerEnumerationStrategy.TargetRoleOptions.Any,
		UnreachableServerAction = ServerEnumerationStrategy.UnreachableServerActionOptions.Throw
	MaxValueLength = 1024,
	PoolSize = 5

Not is enough to register it into your DI container:

Example using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection:


Example using Castle.Windsor:


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